
Deploy your cloud with KubeInit

KubeInit is a deployment framework to ease the deployment of Kubernetes clusters in multiple infrastructure providers.

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This deployment framework started as a mechanism to effectively reproduce research experiments based on performance, and stability analysis.


This deployment platform enables users to repeately deploy the same configurations over and over, this allows them to optimize the time required to bootstrap development and production environments.

Your choice

Kubeinit is open source and many use cases and services are deployed and tested by default, the users can choose from many distributions and topologies, even push to the comunity new services and configurations.

Why using KubeInit

Same interface, infinite posibilities

This deployment platform allows users to get familiar with a single interface where they can use it to deploy multiple use cases and topologies.

  • Quickly bootstrap your development and production environments.

  • Reduce the time to deploy your applications in the cloud.

  • Configure one time, deploy many times.

  • A single interface to rule them all, no matter what distribution you deploy, they all consume the same interfaces.

What KubeInit Do


Hybrid cloud

Complex topologies, complex solutions. With Kubeinit we allow deployments to be intergated and support both, private clouds and public cloud integration. Go from your datacenter to the edge!

Multi cloud

Multiple distributions and infrastructure providers are integrated to provide a meta cloud solution.

Click button solution

Configure one time your cloud parameters, and then just pres enter to deploy.

Multiple distributions

So far the upstream community have tested a broad range of Kubernetes distributions, OKD, OCP, CDK, RKE, EKS, K8S, and our own custom flavor makes this interesting to evaluate what best suits your needs.

Multiple infrastructure providers

Besides the Kubernetes flavor you choose, this can be deployed on top of Libvirt, AWS, and GCP.


All the automation involved for making sure your cloud is up and running is and always be open source.

Who is helping


Docker provides to this project a user with a higher ‘Docker Hub Rate Limiting’, this helps us to effectively build and test the different deployment use cases that are supported. This means that all container images can be pulled and processed in a streamlined manner.

Google Cloud Platform provides this project with a higher free tier to serve the CDN storage for the CI periodic and per pull request jobs. This allows the project to successfully store each job execution output for further review and debugging purposes. Also, to host a minimum hosted service to test this software platform.